مرطبات بالموجات فوق الصوتية

The new generation of ultrasonic humidification equipment adopts advanced integrated movement, integrated modular design and stable dual water level automatic control, which effectively improves the atomization and humidification performance of the equipment.

How does an ultrasonic humidifier work?

Ultrasonic humidifier is a representative model of cold mist type, which utilizes the high-frequency oscillation effect of ultrasonic module to break liquid water into countless tiny water molecules, and then increases the ventilation efficiency through the airflow of the fan motor at the bottom, and finally carries the water molecules into the air by circulating airflow.

The advantages of ultrasonic humidifier 

  ◼  Humidification intensity, humidification uniformity, high humidification efficiency.

  Energy saving, power saving, power consumption is only 1/10 to 1/15 of electric humidifier.

  ◼ Long service life, humidity automatic balance, no water automatic protection.

  ◼  Both medical atomization, cold bath, cleaning jewelry and other functions.

Essentials of using a humidifier

  ◼  Insist on cleaning the ultrasonic air humidifier once a week. Use a soft bristle brush to gently scrub when cleaning, and wipe the sink and sensor with a soft cloth.

  ◼  Long time no use should be the water tank in the water pouring dry, cleaning and drying ultrasonic air humidifier parts and then collect.

  ◼  Avoid placing the humidifier next to items that are susceptible to moisture.

  ◼  Avoid over-humidification,over-humidification may lead to high indoor humidity, which in turn leads to the growth of mold and bacteria.

Purchase high-quality manufacturer Ultrasonic Humidifiers from China, cheap Ultrasonic Humidifiers at landsign.com. Landsign has a wide range of ultrasonic humidifiers, and customers can choose any humidifier with different styles and functions according to their needs. Welcome to our company to purchase Ultrasonic Humidifiers.

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